Renault key card easy fix ignition key save £300 | Doovi (Sarah Henderson) Reading these common Renault Clio problems should help you find out what is wrong with your Renault Clio - or just what to look out for in the future. Had the same problem with mine, our car savvy friend couldnt make head nor tail of it, he ended up disconnecting the battery then reconnecting it I heard it was due to an old trick of breaking the radio code was to put it in the freezer and it would work fine. so renault put a thermostat in the radio to shut. I've got a problem with my Renault Clio which is has been getting steadily worse over the last few weeks, which is either to do with the immobiliser or the key fob.
Scenic has battery under drivers seat(gel battery)or under bonnet.
On my clio there is a vertical post besides the battery.
The only problem I,ve discovered with those cars is the poor quality cabling used throughout, Rear Reg. Had similar imtermittent starting problems with Clio for over a year. Can you give me your opinion and let me know which relay it may be or if you know what the problem may be?
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